Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I used to be a huge fan of texting, but this week it's bothering me. It bothers me when I haven't seen someone in weeks, and they have to text throughout our conversation. It bothers me when people text me when I'm in class and then get mad when I don't respond. It also bothers me that it's hard to have "alone time" nowadays with a phone constantly by your side. Does anyone ever turn off their cell phone or put it on silent? Even in church people are texting! I just feel like something's gotta give.. that people need to somehow realize that they don't need their phone with them to live. Life does go on. It's even kind of nice every now and then to not be able to be contacted. I do love phones and all that they offer, but sometimes I wish they didn't rule everyone's lives, including my own.


  1. I feel the same way often. If I ever leave my phone at home, I feel stressed and disconnected, but I wish I wasn't that way. Sometimes on Sundays, I leave my phone in the bedroom all day and it's such a relief, but then the guilt invariably sets in when I see all the calls and texts I've missed...

  2. I totally hear ya. I hate it when I am trying to have a conversation with someone and they don't even look at me because their eyes are glued to their phone. As for Sunday, it bothers me when people are texting during the meetings. After teaching Sunday school I understand how hard it is to try and teach a lesson when people are focused on their phones and not the lesson.

  3. I agree. I don't have texting on my phone and it's the greatest thing ever. It's kind of nice when people don't expect me to get back to them right away.

  4. Its true! We did a dating handbook for my ward, and the number one thing every agreed was the rudest thing to do on a date was text. Why would we want to have a texting conversation with someone we are not with than a real conversation with someone right across the table?
