Sunday, September 30, 2012

Goodbye September

September was a good, busy month for us. Colten and I went to New York for Labor Day weekend with Val, B, GP, and my mom & dad. We had a wonderful time visiting with my dad's family. They were in LOVE with Brooklyn, Colten, and Gavin. The youngest few in their families are 15 years old, so babies are very fascinating to them :) Unfortunately, the drive home was pure terror. 12 hours long due to traffic & stopping to eat/nurse/use the bathroom.. and Brooklyn and Colten cried at least half of the time. I thought I might die on that drive.. if I didn't kill one of the babies first. Yikes.
Yay, daddy is home!! Andrew had TWO trade shows this month, along with a few other work meetings on top of his normal, super busy work schedule. We missed having him around.. I know we only have one baby, but being alone is the worst. I get nervous when Andrew is gone & lock me and Colten in our bedroom at night so no one can kill us. I'm a little crazy, I know...


 Colty and I go to the park at least 3 days a week while babysitting.. sometimes we go five days!! It's 100 times easier to watch 2 children for a long period of time if we get out of the house and hit up the playground. We have 2 really nice playgrounds within a half a mile of our house, so we're really lucky. Colten actually enjoys the swing now which is cute!

We finally got most of our place painted, and it's 90% decorated. We haven't painted Colten's room yet, but we did get his crib put together. This was his first (and last) night in the crib. Ha! He sleeps in a nap nanny & loves it, so for now I'm sticking to that. He still sleeps terribly at night for a 4 month old. A great night is when he only wakes up twice.. it never gets better than that. Sometimes, he's still up 5 times. He wants to eat, and I am not all about that. So, last night we tried rice cereal for the first time. He loved that stuff and was really good at swallowing it, but he had an absolutely terrible nights sleep. Praying tonight is better!

Yes, he is on the counter in a bumbo seat.. don't judge :P I didn't leave his side, so he was safe!
 Aside from the last 3 days (he got his immunizations on thursday) and from the 4 days after I ate an entire container of Ben & Jerry's (C has a milk allergy/sensitivity.. I don't eat any dairy.. other than that blessed day), Colten is such a joy. He laughs and laughs and laughs all the time. We love every bit of our 17 lb boy :)

PS- I STILL WANT ANOTHER BABY. (pretty please, babe???)
PPS- Can you believe I actually went to the beach at 41 weeks?!?! I was a massive whale!!! Hahaha!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Camera phones..

Camera phones are really, really convenient. No, they aren't the best quality, but they do the job. A few weeks ago I left my laundry at my Aunt's house overnight, not remembering that my bath towel was in with the load. The next morning I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I found these two hand towels and a Tshirt in my closet and used them to dry myself off. Conveniently, I brought my phone into the bathroom with me and was able to take a picture of the towels so I could document the event.


Last night I was thinking about how movies make each person feel differently. For example, one of my roommates HATES the Pursuit of Happyness because it's sad & it doesn't show anything happy happening in the end of the movie.. but I love it. I love movies that help you understand people better. I love movies that motivate me to help. Take Hotel Rwanda for instance... holy smokes. I had to hold back the tears the whole entire time. I can't imagine living that way. I want to help those people in Darfur right now so badly. I wish I had thousands of dollars to donate.. I really, really do. We're lucky.. end of story.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

BYU v. utah

Guys.. I left the game vs. Utah at the beginning of the fourth quarter! My roommate and I were SURE we were going to have an easy win, and we were hungry and tired. So we left when the score was 20 to 6. Fifteen minutes later we got home, started eating dinner, and turned on the TV. The score had changed to 20 to 17!! Holy smokes. We couldn't believe it, but let me tell you.. we were so grateful that the game was being shown on TV so we could feel like we were still there!!! Whew, what a game... it's crazy how many emotions we can feel during a football game. I love that it brings out so much passion in so many people, even when they're watching it at home. Gooooooo COUGARS!!! :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

He's Just Not That into You..

Ever since I saw previews for this movie, I was hesitant to see it. I'm a strong believer in love.. in faith.. and in hope. When I'm in a relationship, I trust with everything that I have. I love with all of my heart. I'm just programmed that way. It's great at times, but it's definitely the perfect way to get your heart broken over and over again. I knew this movie would represent me well.. the girl who is SURE the guy likes her.. who makes up every excuse possible for him and who believes anything he says. So I waited.. I waited months and months and I didn't see it. Well, last night I caved. My roomie and I watched it, and I loved it. It did make fun of everything I live by, but in the end.. love worked its way out. I thought it was an entertaining and honest portrayal of most girls I know. I liked the different stories it followed, and I liked to picture myself as the different girls in the movie. I thought it'd make me sad or make me question the way I live and love, but it actually made me happy that I do live that way.. that I don't hold back.. that I'm not afraid.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


What do you guys think about starting and ending relationships through the media? Like... on facebook, over the phone, through texting. Do you think it's an insult or that it's just the way our society works now? I mean making things official on facebook is a big deal.. that's how the rest of the world knows if you're really dating or not. I'm not much of a fan of "firsts" through the media.. ask me out in person. Tell me I'm pretty in person. Tell me you love me in person. Maybe I'm just crazy.. :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Forrest Gump

This is my little brother's all-time favorite movie, so I watched it the other day as I was thinking about him. I really like this movie. It does have a few innappropriate scenes, and there is some bad language, but I really like the messages it sends overall: fight for what you want, nothing's wrong with being different, love who you love.. and so much more.