Saturday, October 10, 2009

Media and Relationships..

For about a week, the idea of media messing up relationships has really been bothering me! First of all, we (mostly being females) are obsessed with being pursued either by friends, family, or boys. There's a feeling in the air that it's necessary to be reminded of how wonderful and how missed you are very often. There's a phone call, there's texting, there's email, there's facebook, there's myspace, and there's skype.. There are SO many ways that we can be constantly reached, and I feel like we expect to be constantly sought after. We rely on these forms of media to strengthen our relationships. We expect too much from the guys we are dating. It used to be a phonecall a day and a date every few days. What ever happened to that? Too much pressure is put on men to call, to text, to facebook chat, and to leave comments on their girlfriends most recently posted pictures. I think media is destroying relationships. It is making us too dependent on one another for our happiness. Going from hearing from your boyfriend every morning when he wakes up, when he knows you're on you're way to school, when he knows you've finished your test, when you have a break on campus, when you get home from school, and when you're going to bed, to not hearing from him at all when you break up is too much of a change. It brings your self-esteem way down. The entire schedule of your life is altered. Something's wrong, guys..


  1. Wow, that is a very intriguing thought. I have never really considered Media and Relationships is quite that way. I would have to agree with you that it [the Media] can tend to feed the wrong emotions in regards to our relationships. Thank you so much for your thought! It's really inspired some pondering in me!

  2. We will definitely be talking about this in class later on in the semester!!

  3. Thanks for posting this. I really agree with you. I remember when I was dating my husband we dealt with media expectations. It is fun to be in touch so much, but it definitely can create strain (especially on the part of the guy).
